Envisioning Network Automation

As evident, human kind is progressing in the technology domain at an exponential phase than anyone could have ever imagined. Thanks to advances and availability of technology this has become a reality. 

Evolution of IT landscape today is fueled by technologies such as cloud, artificial intelligence, autonomation, block-chain, internet of things and many other cutting-edge concepts. It has brought human kind closer to technology by abstracting complexities of technology and by making technology more user-friendly and intuitive. 

Take a self-driving car for an example. Cars tomorrow will be intelligent enough to pick you from where you are, when you finish work, and to take you to your destination safely without you doing anything or with a human giving minimum instruction.

Networks tomorrow will not be of any difference. IT systems are evolving day by day and automation is something that’s widely adopted in applications and infrastructure domain. 

InSync vision for network automation in future will lead to ‘self-run networks’ where the networks will be simplified, intelligent and autonomous. Self-run networks are where the network is intelligent to autonomously configure and manage itself on its own based on business requirements. Simply put, business users will be able to instruct the outcome and the network will rearrange itself to cater such requirements with a press of a button.

Simply put businesses won’t have to spend time and money on building networks. Intelligent cloud-based software will do it for you. Not only this will change the role of a network engineer but will impact the systems integrator business heavily as software will be intelligent enough to replicate what expert network engineers does.

We are working on it…are you?